hadoop bigdata training in chennai
For hadoop bidgata training in chennai in Software development designing & developing Program Using NoSQL, HBase, Hive, SQOOP. We will train your skills in a better way through our Hadoop Bigdata Training in Chennai.
Why Choose CodeBind Technologies for hadoop bigdata training in chennai?
- CodeBind Technologies is ensuring to full fill your expectation than providing real time training to all engineering streams.
- We are upgrading the latest technologies in a periodical manner and that are delivering to the students on swiftly.
- Provides Hands-on training by the experienced professionals from the reputed industries of MNCs like TCS, HCL, and BSNL…
- Supporting the innovative ideas into establishing the real time projects in various emerging technologies.
- We are not focusing only in technical terms, moreover we are involving ourselves to provide the placement training and career development training.
hadoop bigdata training in chennai
hadoop bigdata Course Concepts
- Theoretical and Practical Introduction to Hadoop
Hadoop Distributed File System
Comparing Hadoop & SQL.
Industries using Hadoop.
Data Locality.
Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS)
HDFS Design & Concepts
Blocks, Name nodes and Data nodes
HDFS High-Availability and HDFS Federation.
Hadoop DFS The Command-Line Interface
HDFS Federation.
ZOOKEEPER Leader Election Algorithm.
Map Reduce
Functional Programming Basics.
Map and Reduce Basics
Shuffling and Sorting
Splits, Record reader, Partition, Types of partitions & Combiner
Optimization Techniques -> Speculative Execution, JVM Reuse and No. Slots.
Map/Reduce Programming – Java Programming
CAP Theorem and Types of Consistency.
Types of NoSQL Databases in detail.
Columnar Databases in Detail (HBASE and CASSANDRA).
TTL, Bloom Filters and Compensation.
HBase Installation
HBase concepts
HBase Data Model and Comparison between RDBMS and NOSQL.
Hive Services, Hive Shell, Hive Server and Hive Web Interface (HWI)
Pig Latin
Data Processing
Schema on read
SQOOP Installation
Import Data.
Incremental Import
Free Form Query Import
Export data to RDBMS,HIVE and HBASE
About Hcatalog with PIG,HIVE and MR.
Flume Agents: Sources, Channels and Sinks
Linking with Spark
Initializing Spark
Deploying to a Cluster
Unit Testing
Real Time Project Work
Daily Side by Side Practical exposure
Project Idea
Project Planning
Real Time Project Development
Project Completion