Machine Learning Internship in Chennai
For Machine Learning Internship in Chennai training in machine has the ability to perform functions with minimum or no human interference. We will train your skills in a better way through our Machine Learning ML Internship in Chennai.
- Internship Certificate.
- Project Completion Certificate.
- Inplant Training(IPT) Certificate.
- Free Workshop Certificate.
- Free Corporate Training Test certificate.
- Training Documents.
- Sample Resume for Placement.
- Useful Softwares.
- Internship Report.
- Corporate Training Test Portal Access.
- Internship is to provide the real time industrial knowledge to the student, that practical exposure class makes them a good engineer.
- The students mostly understand theoretical knowledge from engineering syllabus but the Inplant training is to transform those kind of knowledge to practical knowledge in professional way to all stream of engineering.
- The trainers in the training period duration will observe the students mentality and they can easily handle them with advanced technologies.
- This kind of essential real time training has changed the blunted grasp knowledge into the robust platform in those core areas for getting a good job in the competitive Warfield.
- Inplant training is virtue modus to make a good engineer with the real time manifestation.
- Generally, the students are anticipating to working in the appropriate workstation of core industries but blunted knowledge is not adequate to work in a technical platforms.
- Inplant Training is molding an industrial exposure to the students that ensures to revamping your practical knowledge in advanced IDE’s technical knowledge.
- Although, the students are cognizance theoretical knowledge in an academic syllabus itself but the inplant training is stimulated in the practical exposure for your career growth.
- CodeBind Technologies is ensuring to full fill your expectation than providing real time training to all engineering streams.
- We are upgrading the latest technologies in a periodical manner and that are delivering to the students on swiftly.
- Provides Hands-on training by the experienced professionals from the reputed industries of MNCs like TCS, HCL, and BSNL…
- Supporting the innovative ideas into establishing the real time projects in various emerging technologies.
- We are not focusing only in technical terms, moreover we are involving ourselves to provide the placement training and career development training.
Machine Learning ML Internship Concepts
Theoretical and Practical
Visualization, Data, Problems and tools.
Generalization, Maximum margin classification.
Kernal regression, Support vector machine (SVM).
Boosting, margin, and complexity
Mixtures and the expectation maximization (EM) algorithm.
Spectral clustering, Markov models.
Hidden Markov models (HMMs)
Bayesian networks, Learning Bayesian networks
Probabilistic inference, Guest lecture on collaborative filtering
Current problems in machine learning, wrap up
Regularization, Logistic regression, Linear regression
Project Work
Project Idea 1
Project Work 1
Project Idea 2
Project Work 2
Project Completion TRAINING DURATION: 5 DAYS, 10 DAYS, 15 DAYS, 20 DAYS, 1 to 6 MONTHS.
Feel free to Contact Us
Whatsapp to this number
+91 9789617617
Bonafide Certificate is not mandatory.
College ID Card Enough.

based on 99876 Reviews
Why Choose CodeBind Technologies for your Internship in Machine Learning(ML)
- Daily we start a new batch, so you can choose your flexible date as your convenient.
- Feel free to contact or text in whatsapp to this number +91 9789617617
- Click here to register in online free Registration.
- Internship Certificate.
- Project Completion Certificate.
- Inplant Training(IPT) Certificate.
- Free Workshop Certificate.
- Free Corporate Training Test certificate.
- Training Documents.
- Sample Resume for Placement.
- Useful Softwares.
- Inplant Training(IPT) Report.
- Corporate Training Test Portal Access.
- Any Number of Day
2 Day - 10 Hours
3 Days - 4 Hours
5 Days - 2 Hours
10 Days - 2 Hours
15 Days - 2 Hours
20 Days - 2 Hours
25 Days - 2 Hours - For More
1 Month
2 Months
- Best accommodation for Both Boys and Girls near our office.
- We will be open on all days including Saturday and Sundays.
- Training Sessions can be schedule even during college holidays such as study holidays and semester holidays.
- Address: CodeBind Technologies, 107, Usman Road, T.Nagar, Chennai
- Landmark: Opposite to The Chennai Silks.
- Mobile: +91 9789617617
- Address: 406, 6th Street Extension, 100 feet Road, Gandhipuram, Coimbatore.
- Landmark : Near kalyan jewellers.
- Mobile: +91 975 11 11 343
- Address: A-15, Second Floor, Santhanam Tower, 1st Cross, Thillai Nagar, Trichy-620018.
- Landmark: Near Thillai Nagar 1st Cross Bus Stop.
- Mobile: +91 9940408010